Selasa, 06 November 2012

Prevention of heart disease: easier than you think

With the number of cases of heart disease greatly increasing by the day, has become more important than ever to take care of your heart and preventing heart disease following methods became more important than ever. You may not be able to prevent any disease of the heart. There are many factors that affect your genetic model that simply can not control and will make you more likely to have other people's problems. You can, however, reduce the risk, by focusing on two basic elements: exercise and diet. How much exercise is necessary for prevention of heart disease? You may be surprised to find out that it doesn't really need a lot of exercise in order to become a good contribution to prevent any disease. There should be a focus on exercises to eliminate the fat since it's primarily what block arteries and cause a heart attack. These types of exercises are called cardio exercises and include thing like running, walking, go for a ride on a bicycle and others. No matter where you are, you can do this exercise. People have one of the problems is that they begin to lose the motivation to exercise. The problem is that it becomes a routine to do the same thing every day. The solution is to have a good amount of exercises you can do and rotate through them during the week, making sure that you are not repeating the same very often. Get a partner for the exercise is a great way to increase motivation, as if you don't feel like exercising at any given day, your partner may be able to convince you to do so. About the time it takes for exercises to be effective, nothing more than an hour a week is already a big improvement in your health. If you can, ideally, one hour a day. If you come back from work, like walking home? Or how about doing a one-hour stroll with your dog (I'm sure you'll like it)? Exercise doesn't have to be boring and repetitive. It's up to you to make fun. From entire diet will have to change that to be effective in the prevention of heart disease? Here the answer is, again, no. These are small changes that will make the difference. Adding simple foods like oatmeal, a handful of nuts or a simple yogurt to your diet and decreasing the amount of fat we eat items. Those small changes, while they seem insignificant, make a huge difference in terms of the health of your heart. Surely you'll love some of the foods that still didn't know that they were great for your heart. This is to try them out and soon you will realize that there are certain foods that you'll love.

Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

Foods for high blood pressure

In an effort to make things easier to learn the yays and opposed by food of high blood pressure, this is divided into two general categories: Foods to avoid: Packaged food in General Be careful about restaurant food Red meat Sugary foods For people who do not have a problem of high blood pressure, a normal amount of sodium that is good to have a day is of 2400 mg. Lowering to 1500, when you need to look more closely at the blood pressure numbers. When you go shopping, or if you happen to have a few convenience foods packaged in your closet, take a quick look at the sodium content. You might be shocked to see how fast you add the sodium content! Sodium constricts the blood vessels, which makes it harder for blood to pass. Is a major contributor to high blood pressure. Now you want to be a great time to watch some cooking shows on The Food Network to get some ideas on how easy it is to put together some healthy meals for you and your family. This isn't just for women; you guys out there can learn some simple ways to eat healthy too! Restaurant foods tend to be loaded with sodium. Most cooks do not see the need to use salt sparingly. With this in mind and also knowing that most meals are quite generous when eating out, an idea you actually ask for a doggy bag before you start eating. In this way, you won't be tempted to eat it all up and down is worth more than a day of sodium in one sitting. The reason that you must be careful with the amount of red meat is because of fat in the meat. They have a tendency to put on fat in your arteries and veins, which may then become clogged, thus making your pressure build-up, as blood pushes its way to the heart. Basically with red meats and sugary foods, it's better to eat in moderation. If you go into this with an all or nothing mentality, you may have a tendency to, say, fall off the wagon. Eat in moderation, unless your doctor tells you otherwise, should be good, unless you choose not enough food from the list "blood pressure good food". Foods to lower blood pressure: Fruits and vegetables Fish (high in omega 3 's) Black beans (try a black bean Burger as a substitute when you go out for a burger – they're yummy! Low milk fat Here are some foods that are excellent for your relaxing the arteries and break down those important numbers: Apple Cider vinegar: try a teaspoon or two in eight ounces of water; actually can lower your blood pressure very quickly. Ick! I know, but the result is sooo worth it! He also does a lot of other things for you. A word of caution for people with diabetes and for people taking digoxin: why the Apple Cider vinegar actually helps with blood sugar, so if you're on a medication for diabetes, make sure you ask your doctor before taking large amounts of Apple Cider vinegar. Digoxin (Lanoxin) medication interact with large amounts of Apple Cider vinegar. Again, check with your doctor if you are taking this medication. Oatmeal: even in summer, a delicious bowl of oatmeal in the morning not only keeps you always hungry for a while, but the oats slow the buildup of plaque in the arteries. Celery: When you get the urge to eat something crunchy, try the celery! It may not be what you dream of when you open the fridge, but it sure beats a panic attack when blood pressure numbers are too high from that bag of chips! Why eat celery? There is a phytochemical that celery relaxes the artery walls, which in turn lowers blood pressure. Three or four stems is advised per day to lower your blood pressure. When you know that you have to watch your blood pressure, having your monitor at home gives you great peace of mind. Click here for easy access to some excellent monitors and reviews.

Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Managing the stages of heart failure

If you follow the correct care and teamwork, the stages of heart failure would not be able to hold a person to perform the daily activities and even those things that they enjoy doing more. It all depends on how healthy your heart is, the potential patient knows how manage the stages of heart failure, how often do you visit your cardiologist and follows the treatment according to the instructions of the data. Here are a few tips to handle five major symptoms during heart failure: 1. difficulty in breathing-if the pain is seen as a potential symptom, the patient should be an oxygen plant at home in times of need. Doctors recommend nasal cannula so that the patient is less difficult to drink, eat and speak while using oxygen. Also avoids them to feel suffocated by the mask. The dosage of oxygen should be strictly suggested by your doctor; usually a low dose (31) is required for longer periods. If the patient has experienced severe breathlessness and feeling of drowning in pulmonary edema in the past during acute left ventricular failure, are often afraid that it could happen again, and this can prevent relaxation and sleep. 2. fatigue-this effort is linked with congestive heart failure can be an overwhelming event. So, patients and their families must be informed in advance this gradual decline of energy. Another thing to note is that drugs such as beta-blockers add fatigue. Could prove very difficult for patients to push, pull or lift things i.e. the tasks that use the upper part of the body. Therefore, the patient should at least point out as much as possible. Other measures may include moving the bed from an upper floor on the ground, using the wheelchair for commuting, with backrest, etc. 3. Bad kidneys-the patient's renal function starts getting worse with the characteristic low blood pressure. Therefore, in this case, diuretics become essential. But at the same time the need to keep a check on kidney functions hold less importance, hence the need for conducting blood tests should be avoided. 4. personality changes--people who suffer from heart failure risk may also face chronic anxiety and events. If one has been diagnosed with depression, serotonin reuptake inhibitors are said to be more useful than tricyclic antidepressants. They are infamous for causing arrhythmias that lead to sudden death. 5. Sleep Disorders-one of the most common symptoms of the disorder in a heart patient's sleep is leg tear that may cause the patient to have sleepless nights or sleep disorder. Quinine and baclofen are useful when dealing with these leg cramps. The patient may find it difficult to fall asleep in bed while force is dark and quiet around. On the other hand, can be nerve-wracking to doze off or even rest periods during the day with people around. To induce sound sleep and relaxation, zopiclone and diamorphine (2.5 mg) can be given respectively.